I AM the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.
John 15:1
I AM the God of Abraham...
Matthew 22:32
God gives us a glimpse of who He is in His word. God is all these things and more! God created language so we can know Him better. God is who He says He is! How comforting to know this!
EEL: We began our EEL study this week with a rousing game of I have, who has? This is always fun.
Structure: Compound Sentence (FANBOYS)
Purpose: Declarative
Pattern: S-Vl-PN
Linking verbs link 2 words together - the subject to the noun or adjective that comes after the verb. (We will hear about adjectives next week -week 10). Linking verbs rename the subject and have NO ACTION. The most common linking verbs are the principal parts of the verb 'to be'. If you see a 'to be' verb in a sentence, it is most always a linking verb.
A Predicate Nominative is a noun or pronoun that describes the subject. Predicate because it comes after the verb and Nominative as that is the Subject (check Chart E - Nominative is a Latin Noun Case for the subject)
Bob is a ball hitter.
Bob=ball hitter. Ball hitter is a noun that describes Bob. You can switch the sentence around: The ball hitter is Bob. Ball hitter=Bob.
Make sure your kids aren't confusing S-Vl-PN with S-Vt-DO. Have them check their verb - that's the way to make the distinction. Vt - there is action being transferred. Vl - No action at all. We spent a few minutes with sentences written both ways to show the kids the difference.
There is a list of Linking verbs on Chart C. It is important that our kids memorize the list as it will make it easier in the future to recognize the S-Vl-PN/S-Vl-PA pattern. The 'to be' verbs are used most often with PN, the other verbs are used more often with PA (week 10!).
We worked with our ATS tasks 1-4 on the sentence Our Lord is God, so Jesus is my Savior using our new sentence pattern. Continue to work with this sentence is you'd like to cement the pattern in your kids brains.
Chart K begins the interesting work for Verb Anatomy. Using the verb 'to be' we begin to break it down and see all the different tenses of that verb. Copying and eventually memorizing this verb, plus others, will help in he future in parsing. 1st tour students need only to copy the Simple tense to start. 2nd/3rd tour kids should be able to copy all of it. Do what's best for your kids.
HOMEWORK: Mom: Read week 10 and become smarter than your kids! ;)
Kids: Chart K for sure, then review Charts C&D. We are still working toward our goal of 260 charts! Do your charts and help your class!!
IEW: We read our papers in our groups this week and I heard a lot of encouragement from the kids to one another. That makes me so proud of our kids. :)
This is our last week to "Some"-a-rize a reference!
We read two examples of paragraphs at the beginning of our time together. We discovered that the 2nd paragraph gave more information and was more interesting to listen to. We talked about varying the length of sentences and beginning sentences with things other than the subject.
This is where Prepositional Phrases comes in. Using prepositional phrases gives more information about the sentence and captures the readers attention. Using a prepositional phrase as a sentence opener is the #2 sentence opener. When you use one, mark them with a 2 in the left margin.
The kids gave me some prepositional phrases and we used them as the opener to sentences we completed together. I don't think I've laughed as much with the kids. It was so fun and it showed them how to use prepositional phrases as the opener to sentences to make them more interesting. :)
We read our source text together, the Trail of Tears, and they began a KWO with you. We went over the checklist found at the end of the chapter and I reminded everyone that that is just a list of all the things we have covered so far this year. It's not the list to check off to make sure you get everything in. You know your child best and can scale the checklist to your child's ability. EZ+1.
HOMEWORK: Mom: P&P Monday night, Nov 6 at 6:00 pm in the annex. Jennie and Valerie are in charge of our food and theme! Read ahead about Unit 5 in your TWSS - writing from pictures.
Kids: Finish your KWO and find a way to use a prepositional phrase!
PASSWORD FOR NEXT WEEK: Tell me an example of a #2 sentence opener - a sentence with a prepositional phrase at the beginning!
Looking forward to seeing everyone Monday night! Let me know if you can't make it! Thanks!
Have a blessed weekend!
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