Hello Emoms! Week 12 was a lot of fun - here's what we did!
EEL - Structure - Compound
Purpose - Interrogative
Pattern - S-Vl-PN and S-Vl-PA
We added the Interrogative purpose to our Compound Sentences. Nothing was new this week, we are just building on what we already know.
We reviewed how to make an Interrogative sentence (3 ways) and discovered that when asking "Is Jesus holy..." The Verb linking moves to the beginning of the sentence. We remembered that a way to make an Interrogative sentence is to add a Helping Verb at the beginning of the sentence. The verb 'Is' can either be used as a Helping Verb or a Verb linking - in this instance we moved the Verb linking to the beginning of the sentence and made an Interrogative sentence.
Clear as mud? I remember that there was quite a bit of discussion about this because I kept saying Helping verb when we weren't adding one, just using the linking verb in the sentence. Thanks for your graciousness and patience with me as I'm still learning and studying!
We used question confirmation to label our sentence and used the ATS to record and diagram. Starting week 15 we will begin using all 6 tasks - just a heads up!
We did a Mad Lib as part of our end of semester fun and was able to go over all the parts of speech.
We also found out that we had copied/recorded over 300 charts and the kids were rewarded with a Sonic gift card! So proud of all their hard work! There will be another challenge for this semester!
IEW - We didn't read any papers this week. I think everyone needed a break. :) I passed out a Faces of History packet that I had printed and we went over that and talked expectations concerning FoH. Remember that FoH is optional - you are the teacher, you decide what your child is capable of doing. No pressure from me. If you decide not to participate in FoH, the weekly writing assignments should still be completed in order for the kids to continue practicing what we are learning in class.
We talked about what week 24 will look like, with the option to change our plans as needed. Costumes are optional for the kids but they do lend to the fun.
We will talk some each week about FoH and will do some work on it in class as different things come up in our weekly lessons. I have some other handouts and tips/tricks to share with you later.
The last 30 minutes of our time together we had a hot chocolate bar based on Chart A - 4 kinds of stir ins, 4 kinds of toppings and 7 kinds of cookies! It was so much fun sharing that with the kids and they were all very careful and respectful of each other and the moms as they waited in line. I just love your kids!
Looking ahead to the spring semester - begin talking with your child about who they want to do their FoH paper on and let me know. We want to avoid having the same subjects of our papers.
As always, if you have any questions or comments, please let me know! :)