Week 21 - let's get after it!
Structure: Compound-Complex
Purpose: All
Pattern: S-Vi, S-Vt-DO
We reviewed the 2 sentence patterns, then modified them with prepositional phrases (where we recalled what a prepositional phrase is (prep. + noun, no verb)), adjectives and adverbs. We used question confirmation to understand what the sentence patterns are.
Then we made the same sentences compound by adding a FANBOYS (coordinating conjunction) and remembered that a compound sentence has 2 independent clauses with a coordinating conjunction between them - the clauses can stand alone as sentences.
THEN, we made the same sentences Complex by adding an Adjectival (who/which) or Adverbial (www.asia.b) clause. Remember: Complex sentences have 1 independent clause and 1 dependent/subordinating clause.
Finally, we joined the Compound and Complex sentences together to make our new structure for this week: Compound-Complex. I hope it made sense to you and your kids how this works. It seems difficult but if you break it down into structure and then mesh the sentences together, it makes it so much easier. Practice some sentences at home using the S-Vi, S-Vt-DO patterns with simple modifiers.
We talked about conjunctions and how we've been using them for awhile in our class.
We began discussing Verbals this week with Infinitives. An Infinitive is to+verb used as a noun, adjective or adverb. We saw this week how that works.
To sing is fun. (used as a Subject noun)
I love to sing. (used as a direct object)
I need a song to sing. (what kind of song? a song to sing - adjective)
Infinitives can also be used as Phrases and Clauses. Page 328 in your EEL guide has some good examples.
We did a quick ATS on the board together using question confirmation to label the sentence. It was a Compound-Complex sentence - I hope the kids saw that!
HOMEWORK: ATS tasks 1-6, Chart H (Conjunctions), Verbals
IEW: We began class with an Easter egg game. I took questions from the back of the HBWL guide. While this didn't seem to be one of our more egg-citing games (see what I did there?), I was pleased when the kids were able to think back and come up with the answers to the questions!
I began by reading the first sentence/paragraph of familiar and not so familiar books. I wanted the kids to see how using an attention getting sentence will make your reader want to know more about what's being written. I encouraged them to use the attention getting technique when writing their FoH papers.
Three weeks until our FoH presentation during class on week 24! Keep working on them! I can't wait to hear what the kids come up with!
We did a quick Mad Lib on the board and wrote our own poetry using parts of speech. Writing practice isn't just for papers - poetry counts too! :)
HOMEWORK: FoH papers due in 3 weeks!
Fun stuff for week 22:
Epic Nerf Gun war: kids need to bring a nerf gun that should be safely stored until we need them. I'll provide the bullets!
Popcorn Bar: We will have plain popcorn with drizzles and mix ins. I'll send an email about this!
PASSWORD: Verbal Infinitive: to+verb used as a noun, adjective or adverb.
Mom's Password: what is the play on words I used in this blog? Let me know before class next week and you'll get a treat! :)
Have a great week - see you on week 22!