Saturday, March 3, 2018

Essentials - Week 18

Week 18!  We are so close to the end! You've persevered well, mommas, and the fruit of all our labor is seen in how much our kids have learned this year!

Structure: Complex
Purpose: Imperative
Pattern: S-Vt-DO-OCN/OCA

We began class working on Chart N - to have.  Each table had a portion of the chart to complete.  Working together, I heard them encouraging each other and discovering what the sentences should be for each box.  It is encouraging to me to hear them talking together and helping each other! Then we talked through the Perfect Progressive portion of the chart and found where the repeats are.  Knowing this will help the kids complete the chart faster and commit it memory easier!

Still working with the Complex structure and reviewing OCN/OCA patterns.  This time with the Imperative purpose, while not new, is the first time we've seen it in the Complex structure. Remember: Imperative sentences have an implied (you) as the subject.

Fact: In a complex sentence, the independent clause will be Imperative. The subordinate clause will be another purpose.  And the verb tense will be present tense!

Make me a saint as you make me an heir.

We also reviewed what makes a Complex sentence - Adjectival clauses (who/which) and Adverbial clauses (  

We also reviewed S-Vt-DO-OCN/OCA patterns.

OCN replaces the DO - The snake called the mouse lunch.
OCA describes the DO - The farmer painted the barn red.

We used these examples to practice turning them into complex imperative sentences.  Lots of thinking going on this week!

The kids were to bring a sentence from home to use in class this week.  We got out our ATS and the kids completed them as far as they could.  Good practice for home, too!

HOMEWORK: Work with the ATS so it becomes easier for your kids.  Use the sentences available in the EEL guide - start with week 1 and work your way up to the more complex sentences.  

IEW: We spent time reading our Hopes and Dreams papers. I'm proud of our kids for working hard on this unit!  

We talked briefly about FoH and considering having a wax museum for our End of Year presentation.  Talk with your kids if they would be willing to dress and participate in the end of year celebration this way.

We learned our last sentence opener - #6: the very short sentence (vss). This is a sentence of 2-5 words that makes a short statement. "I am your father."  "Live long and prosper." Lots of meaning in those words.  VSS should be placed in a spot in your paragraph where it can be emphasized or can stand out.  Because they are usually among longer sentences, placing them after long sentences will highlight them. 

We also learned about the 3 short staccato sentences (3sss). This is simply the use of the #6 opener 3 times.  This can be a strong stylistic technique.  Use it as a decoration in your paper.

We came. We saw. We conquered.

Our subject this week for Unit 7 is the American Flag and using it as the subject in our paper.  Writing as if in 1st person, we talked about how the flag would feel, see, or sense in several different situations. I read for them the sample paper in our HBW and showed the kids how the first person is used.

The kids then walked around the room and wrote words on large post its that they felt the flag would be experiencing in those pictures. 

After they were done, we brought the post its to the front of the room and talked about how each of those words were written in first person, as if the flag was doing the talking.  I don't know about you, but that was a powerful experience for me.  Our military kids are resilient, aren't they? 

We talked about writing our FoH paper in first person, as if they are the person they have researched.  This makes the presentation of their person easier than if it is written in 3rd person.  Encourage your kids to write this way.

HOMEWORK: Continue working on those FoH papers!


We have our next P&P on Monday evening, March 12 at my house.  Last one of the year!  Pudewa and Pizza Pie (or Pizza and Pie)!

Have a great spring break!  See you on March 12th!

Moms: if you've read this far, tell me on March 14th the Star Wars reference in this blog post and you'll get a surprise! :)

Monday, February 26, 2018

Essentials - Week 17

Hello!  Here's what we accomplished!

EEL - Structure - Complex
          Purpose - Exclamatory
          Pattern - S-Vt-DO-OCA**

**Our last pattern!!

Today was Open House and we had 4 families joining us to observe.  Thanks for loving on those families well!

We reviewed what makes a Complex Sentence and reviewed S-Vt-DO-OCN and remembered that the OCN can replace or rename the Subject.

Then we talked about OCA - Object Compliment Adjectives.  The OCA relates to the DO and describes it. 

God called the earth good.  

God didn't just call the earth, neither did He call the good.  He called the earth good.  The earth being the DO and good describing it making good the OCA.

You must have a DO in order to have an OCN/OCA.
There will not be an OCN/OCA if there is an IO.

We played Pass the Board in which the kids filled in the SN/SP, DO and OCA in a sentence.  I think this helped them understand how OCA works.

We spent quite a bit of time talking about Adjectives - Chart L.  I wanted the kids to understand how Chart L works so when you work on ATS and QeQ at home, the kids are able to label the Adjectives with no problem.  Reviewing and working on Chart L at home will help too!

We used some sentences in class to identify and label some adjectives and how the adjectives worked in the sentence.

We filled in the adjectives on our QeQ to the last detail.  As you're working on the QeQ at home, really discuss how Adjectives are labeled.

HOMEWORK:  Review Charts  L, M and N!

IEW: We gathered in our groups and did a sentence stretch activity.  Each group had a different set of dress ups to use on their sentence.  Our kids are so creative and I so appreciate your leading them in the best way to complete sentences without the sentences being totally outrageous!  Keeping the kids on task isn't easy but you do an amazing job!

We talked about our FoH papers - we have 7 weeks until week 24.  Please don't leave all the work until the last minute!

We also talked about the 2 paragraphs for our Hopes and Dreams paper.  This week we are adding the Introduction and Conclusion to that paper.

Writing the Conclusion is generally easier to do as after the 2 paragraphs are done, the mind is still fresh with details.  Bringing all the information back around and writing a clincher sentence to conclude the paper works easily.  The Conclusion clarifies the most important thing about your topic.  After the Conclusion is written, going back to the Intro and getting ideas from the conclusion works well.  

Use an attention grabber to begin your Introduction. A fun fact or an interesting question are good ways to get your reader's attention.  The state your topics and lead into your two paragraphs.

The FoH paper should include an Intro and a Conclusion as defined here.  

(This image really has nothing to do with how we teach Introduction and Conclusion.  I just thought it was a funny drawing!)

PASSWORD: The kids should bring in a sentence of their own writing to diagram.  Be prepared to share your sentence with those at your table!

Have a great week!  See you soon!

Mommas - If you've read this far and can tell me Wednesday  what is in the Intro and Conclusion picture, I'll have a surprise for you! :)